
A.R.O.E. is, hopefully, my greatest project of all time! It'll be an animated series featuring a bunch of different characters in an entirely different world. The main series follows the main characters Hailey, Matthew and Allie and their lives around their planet, Ardet.

Most Ardetian people speak a language coincidentally very similar to English, however, there are some differences. First, standard Normarhabos is most similar to British English.

Also, some words are entirely different. In Normarhabos, the word ”Tet” is used. It can be used independently as a word meaning “south”, or as a prefix meaning “ice”.

It has a document detailing things about it that's over 200 pages long, and it's only getting longer. 

I'm currently not comfortable sharing most things about A.R.O.E., maybe... except this map concept...?

Yes, this is a CONCEPT.

And, if,  somehow, you are viewing this page due to being a part of my school (because I am submitting some A.R.O.E. countries for that purpose)...

Hi, yeah, this is my thing! Don't steal it... please!

Confused about this thing? ()

This thing, that kinda looks like a perpendicular line, is a "Dotless I", in A.R.O.E., they are used whenever I would be used before a vowel so, not like its use here on Earth.

(I mean, c'mon, it takes place in its OWN universe, of course it has its own rules!)

Wow! You're a super scroller! Congratulations!